Together we can make your dreams come true
Back in 1,986 Ingeniería & Proyectos, S.A. was born. After 30 years we remember the long road in which we have built important projects in all over the country that we showcase to you below these lines. For us at INPSA its important to always strive for excellence in any project, regardless its size or price. From a small garden, to a multi-million project key in hand. INPSA designs, renovates, administrates projects and does so much more in order to provide our customers with comfort, and investment security, most of all we seek to cultivate our customer's trust in our company and in our collaborators. Among our many projects, we include in our portfolio: Koramsa, the largest textile manufacturer in Latin America, Lake House which was featured in Discovery Travel & Living and People & Arts and was broadcasted across the continent thru Discovery Channel. Last year we are proudly to built the most brand new rubber factory in Guatemala, Procesadora Industrial Fortaleza.
Our work is our passion. Our customers are our friends.
Be a well know construction company for build industrial complexes and premium houses.
To build industrial complexes and housing with the best quality and warranty.
We believe in the power of word and ethics